MITC is a critical component of the foundation for the NextGen Precision Health initiative. Currently, MU is a leading institution for research in the areas of molecular imaging and theranostics. The investments that have already been made in these areas, along with the existing resources (Missouri University Research Reactor (MURR), College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), Harry S. Truman VA Hospital (VA)), position MU to continue to excel and make significant impacts on patient care. MITC coordinates and centralizes these research efforts, from basic chemistry/radiochemistry to early clinical trials.
As the hub for research and training of the current and next generation of visionaries in this field, the shared resources at MITC will be open and available to all investigators at MU, the UM System, as well as to industry and outside collaborators.

If you are interested in our industry partners program, please contact:
Megan Jahnsen, Director of Industry Partnerships