The Molecular Imaging and Theranostics Center (MITC) is uniquely positioned for transdisciplinary research. Resources for chemistry, radiochemistry, in vitro assays, and small animal imaging are located at 1514 Research Park Drive, across the road from the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), allowing students and researchers to conduct their work in an integrated system. Because MITC is nearby a thriving healthcare system, medical school, veterinary school, school of agriculture, school of arts and science, extension program, hospital, nuclear reactor, students and researchers are provided unparalleled opportunities.

MITC, alongside MURR, Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, and NextGen Precision Health, leads the way in imaging and theranostics research and development.

What is MITC?

MITC is the hub for research and training of the current and next generation of visionaries in this field, where basic, translational, and early clinical research will be carried out. The shared resources at MITC will be open and available to all investigators at MU, the UM System, as well as to industry and outside collaborators. The centralized facilities, expertise, and management of MITC will greatly enhance collaboration and innovation throughout campus and beyond.

MITC can perform various highly technical procedures, including tumor model development, biodistribution, therapy, imaging, telemetry, and microsurgery. The MITC labs will be maintained according to MU, AAALAC, USDA, OLAW, and NRC regulations.

The Campus Community and Beyond

Theranostics is a pillar of our research, and we want to be a site for future clinical trials that incorporate the mid-Missouri patient population. It’s our goal to serve those well beyond the MU campus community. We hope to develop new and exciting radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis or treatment of human cancers.

MITC will reach all who want to design novel imaging agents or utilize imaging in their basic science and translational research programs. We will also assist investigators, staff, and graduate/undergraduate students in additional types of in vivo imaging (e.g., optical and MRI), highly technical research procedures, complicated experimental design, problem-solving, and the development of new and innovative research approaches.

Learn More About MITC